September Apps for Health and Wellness!

September Apps

One of technology’s greatest benefits is its ability to make our lives a whole lot easier – and who doesn’t want a little help along the way? There are so many different things to consider on the journey with weight and health – from nutrition recommendations, food tracking and water consumption to getting plenty of exercise and working out different parts of your body. That’s a lot to remember!

Fortunately, there are is a big variety of health and wellness apps that you can download to assist you with your weight-loss goals. These kinds of apps are emerging as new and innovative ways for keeping tabs on our progress, and they shouldn’t be overlooked! Check out some of our most recent technology finds:

5 September Apps for Improved Health and Wellness

  • Plant Nanny – This dynamic app helps over 3,000,000 people drink water regularly all over the world. By combining health with fun, the app ensures that you’re drinking enough water to stay healthy! The concept is to provide you with “plants” that live inside your phone. In order to keep them alive and help them grow, you have to drink water at certain periods of time. It’s a great way to stay hydrated, boost your metabolism and keep your body running smoothly! (Free to download and use)
  • Spotify Running – You might already have Spotify on your phone, but did you know that this music app is particularly great for working out and running? Not only does it give you access to virtually any song you desire, but it tracks the number of movements you make per minute and gives you a customized song to listen to while you exercise. It’s a great tool for keeping the energy flow moving through a workout. (Free with optional in-app purchases)
  • Lifesum – Lifesum helps you to make better food choices, improve your exercise and reach your health goals. The app shows you how to make smaller, healthier habits that will develop into long-term success, and shows you how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.You can get feedback on meals you eat and workouts you perform, and even create lifestyle goals that you can track! (Free with optional in-app purchases)
  • Endomondo – This app is a great tool for cardio exercise, which can sometimes get boring and repetitive. You can set a goal for your walk, run, bike ride, etc. and the app’s personal trainer lets you know if you’re on track to meet it or if you need to speed up. Use the app to compete against yourself, or even use it to challenge and encourage your friends! (Free with optional in-app purchases)
  • Safe Ingredients Scanner – Have any food restrictions? Looking to pay more attention to what goes into the food you’re buying? Safe Ingredients Scanner is a great friend to have in the grocery store. Customize the app with the foods or ingredients you’re trying to avoid (whether it be allergies or weight-related) and simply scan the items at the store that you’re interested in buying. The app will show you what’s safe to go ahead and get! (Free to download and use)

Do you have any other apps targeted for health and wellness that you think other campaign challengers could benefit from? Let us know in the comments below or email to use for a future post!

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