Pros and Cons of Weight Management Technology

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In today’s advanced technological world, our devices and equipment allow us to do more than we ever imagined. Technology has come a long way, and it has the potential to help us improve many areas of our lives – including weight management!

The Pros and Cons of Weight Management Technology

Just like with all things, technology isn’t perfect. If you’re trying to manage your weight, it isn’t the “cure-all” to each of your challenges. However, there are a whole lot of things you can do with it. Let’s look at the good and the bad.


Many types of weight management technology can help keep you organized and get a better idea of your specific goals and challenges. Digital apps on your phone, for example, can help you log food intake and energy expenditure as well as count the number of calories you consume each day.

Additionally, devices such as scales, heart rate monitors and fitness trackers give you specific numbers you can rely on. It helps to have numerics that can help you determine what you need to improve on.

PLUS – weight management technology saves you a lot of time and effort! Rather than doing all of the math and planning yourself, digital technology takes the mental work out of your “workout.”


Although weight management technology can come in handy, merely downloading an app or purchasing a tracking device won’t move the number on the scale. It takes manual work on your part, which includes a healthy, nutrient-rich diet plan and a consistent exercise routine.

Furthermore, it can be easy to get distracted by our devices and end up spending more time than necessary staring at a screen. If we’re talking scales specifically, some people focus too much on specific numbers and not about other important factors such as body composition and overall health.


There are many pros and cons to weight management technology; you just have to find what works for you and helps you move forward on your journey to improved weight and health.

Want more information on technology and weight management? CLICK HERE for a few examples.

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