Get Ahead with Sunday Planning: Strategies for a Successful Week

A picture of a coffee with "Hello Sunday" written on the top of the coffee in cream.

Sunday planning can be a powerful tool for achieving your goals and staying organized throughout the week. We often use the weekends to relax and have some fun, but heading into the next week can feel overwhelming. Between work, errands, family obligations and other time commitments, the “To Do” list can start to build fast. So can the anxiety!

By taking some time on Sunday evening to prepare and plan for the week ahead, you can set yourself up for success and minimize stress related to your schedule.

5 Tips for Effective Sunday Planning

1)     Take a look at what needs to be done.

Take 5-10 minutes after dinner or before winding down to check your calendar. Think about what obligations and tasks may not be represented there yet. Take note of any appointments, meetings, phone calls, errands and commitments. Seeing these obligations written out, either on paper or in a list app on your phone you check regularly, can give you valuable foresight into the week ahead so nothing gets forgotten.

2)     Put things in order.

After you’ve made your list of what needs to be done for the week, consider what’s time sensitive and what can wait awhile. Prioritizing these items can often alleviate your workload. Make sure your “must-do” tasks get accomplished first to reduce stress, such as work meetings, medical appointments or your child’s soccer game. Other lower priority items such as shopping for new throw pillows or baking muffins can usually fall to the bottom of your list to be addressed when time allows.

3)     Work ahead.

Are there things you can do on Sunday to make the week ahead easier? For example, making overnight oats on a Sunday night can take care of breakfast on Monday morning. You can also meal plan and prep lunches and dinners ahead of time, start on laundry, pay your bills, do a workout, answer a few emails and complete other relatively small tasks.

4)     Look for help.

You don’t have to do it all on your own. What can you ask others to help you with? For instance, maybe someone else can mow the lawn, drop the kids off at an event, or send invites to the next important meeting. Delegating tasks to others can be difficult if you are someone to likes to maintain control, but it can help you save time and reduce a lot of stress.

5)     Schedule YOU time.

So much of our time is spent working, shopping, driving, cooking and cleaning. You need to schedule time for yourself so you can rest and recharge between obligations. Otherwise, you may run out of fuel and face the physical and mental impacts of burnout. Each day, take a few moments to spend on yourself by doing anything that makes you happy. This can be reading, gardening, spending time with a friend, painting, writing, or baking. Investing in your mental health is also investing in your physical health.

Key Takeaways

By incorporating Sunday planning into your weekly routine, you can take control of your schedule and achieve your goals with greater ease and less stress. Whether you’re looking to improve your productivity, get ahead with your weight management goals, or simply reduce your daily stress levels, a little bit of preparation can go a long way.

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