Find Support with an Accountability Partner!


The road to weight-loss can be a bumpy one. Along the way, you’ll have triumphs, challenges, hurdles and barriers that will affect not just your weight, but many different aspects of your life. But, just like most journeys, the road is a lot smoother when you have someone else to walk alongside of you.

Having an accountability partner has been known to help others find long-term success with losing weight and improving health. They’re somebody who shares your goals and motivations and understands how challenging the process can be. Furthermore, they’re somebody who is there to help encourage you, empower you and keep you on track if you’re struggling to do it all alone. For some people, having an accountability partner can even mean the difference between failure and success.

So, how exactly can you go about finding one? We’ve listed some helpful pointers for you below!

Choosing an Accountability Partner

  • Look for someone who shares similar challenges and goals – Someone who is also seeking to improve their health and address their weight is someone that you’ll be able to relate to. They’ll understand how important it is for you to be on this journey, and they’ll be familiar with the emotional and physical effects.
  • Find someone who you’re comfortable around – Talking about weight and health can be an intimate conversation, so try looking for a partner who you feel comfortable with. They should be respectful, empathetic, trustworthy, and you should enjoy their support.
  • Pick a communication outlet – For you to find accountability in someone else, you’ll need to set up times to meet or talk – whether it be in person, over the phone or online. How will you and your partner spend time together? Will you meet in person, call, text or chat online? Think about what mode of communication best fits your schedules.
  • Look for someone you can spend time with – You might benefit from having a partner who can work out with you, shop for groceries with you and even cook with you. Making healthy choices as a team can feel empowering!
  • You may need more than one – There’s always strength in numbers – you don’t have to have just one accountability partner! You might seek help from your friends, family or even a support group.
  • Find someone challenging, but not condemning – Your partner should be open and honest with you, and he or she should help you push your limits by challenging you to be the best you can be. However, they shouldn’t jump to conclusions about your progress, make you feel like you’ve failed or push you beyond your limits.
  • Communicate about expectations – Look for someone who knows exactly how you want them to help you. Do you need to prepare a list of goals in advance so that you don’t waste time when you meet up? Are you able to show your partner how to challenge you, or what kind of support will help you the best? You and your partner should be able to communicate freely and openly so that you can both find success through each other.

Want more information about finding  accountability for your journey with weight and health? CLICK HERE to see the benefits of reaching out for support!

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