Exercise is Changing: New Tools, New Habits, New Attitudes

OAC Monthly Broadcast episode screenshot

We all know that exercise is important for our health and wellbeing, but we can also acknowledge that exercise has changed a lot in the last year! This includes changes in our habits, evolving technology, and having more exercise options and tools than ever before.

In its April monthly broadcast, the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), Producer of the Your Weight Matters Campaign, decided to explore this topic deeper. The OAC brought on one of its members/volunteers as a special guest, Yelena Kibasova, who is also a fitness instructor. Yelena has led several live exercise sessions at the OAC’s annual Your Weight Matters Convention. Spoiler Alert: You can catch her this summer at YWM2021-VIRTUAL!

We wanted to share this episode with you because it truly does a great job of having “real talk” about exercise in today’s world. Watch below for these episode highlights:

  • Looking honestly at what has changed with exercise in the last year
  • A discussion about challenges, limitations, and new opportunities
  • Sharing of different personal perspectives
  • Helpful tools to navigate exercise at whatever stage you’re in

Watch Now – Exercise is Changing: New Tools, New Habits, New Attitudes

Share Your Perspectives

How has exercise changed for you personally in the last year? What physical activity do you truly enjoy doing? What gets you motivated to move? Share any of your insights in the comments below to keep this conversation going!

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