Exciting and Healthy Summer Activities for Families

Family planting flowers together outside in a garden bed

When it’s sunny and the days are longer, summer is the best time to do fun things with your family that help you stay active and healthy. With the right mindset and a little creativity, you can turn your summer outings into opportunities to exercise, bond, and make lasting memories.

Let’s explore a variety of fun ideas for the summer that will keep you active and support your journey to a healthier lifestyle.

Picnics in the Park

Go to a local park with your family for a nice picnic. Prepare a variety of nutritious foods like fresh fruits, vegetable skewers, whole grain sandwiches and homemade salads. Involve everyone in planning and preparing the meal to make it a fun and educational experience for all ages. If you prefer, you can also buy some healthy premade snacks and make your own charcuterie board for the picnic! Think nuts/seeds, grapes or berries, pre-cut melons, rotisserie chicken or prepared chicken salad, whole grain crackers, etc.

Hiking and Nature Walks

Take advantage of the beautiful summer weather by going on family hikes or nature walks. Look for local trails and parks that have beautiful views and different types of landscapes. Explore nature together, observe wildlife, and breathe in the fresh air. Hiking is a great way to get your heart pumping and burn calories while spending time with your loved ones. Make a bucket list of trails in your area that you can explore and try to visit them one by one.

Outdoor Games and Sports

Play a variety of outdoor games and sports that the whole family can enjoy. Set up a friendly soccer game, have a basketball shootout, or organize a game of tag. These activities not only provide cardiovascular exercise but also promote coordination, agility and friendly competition. If someone in the family can’t run, they can walk instead. Don’t forget to drink water and wear sunscreen when you’re out having fun in the sun.

Swimming and Water Activities

Cool down on hot summer days by going to a local pool, beach or lake. Swimming is a gentle, low-impact exercise that works your whole body, providing both cardiovascular and strength benefits. Try a variety of different activities like water volleyball, paddle boarding, or just splashing around. These activities keep you active and give you a refreshing way to cool down in the summer heat.

Outdoor Yoga or Exercise Classes

Look for outdoor yoga or exercise classes in your community. Many parks and recreation centers offer free or low-cost sessions during the summer. Joining a class together as a family can be a fun way to stretch, strengthen your muscles, improve flexibility and reduce stress. Some gyms even offer kid passes during the summer, so check if any gyms near you have such programs. You can also find free yoga classes on websites like YouTube. Doing yoga as a family allows you to support and encourage each other in your fitness goals.

Gardening and Outdoor Projects

Get the whole family involved in gardening or outdoor projects. Planting and taking care of a garden not only gives you fresh and healthy produce but also teaches important lessons about nutrition, sustainability and patience. Give children tasks they can do based on their age and let them take care of their own plants or flowers.


In short, you can have a great time with your family while staying committed to your weight-loss and health goals. Embrace the joy of moving, the beauty of nature, and the power of being together. Enjoy the summer by doing activities that help keep your family healthy and make every moment count.

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