The Brain Game: Positive Results Start with YOU!

What do you do when your significant other is not on board?

Succeeding on the journey with weight and health requires more than just a few simple behavior changes. A strong foundation — complete with dedication, focus and positive thinking — is required to reap all of the benefits of your hard work! If you’re determined to reach your goals, you must have the mentality and forward-thinking to get you there.

Unfortunately, positive and progressive thinking is not shared by everyone. In fact, many people reach a plateau or experience opposite results on their journey if they lose their drive and mentality. If you’re seeking long-term progress, it’s important to fuel your mind with the type of thinking that is confident with the direction you’re heading. Here’s how you can train your brain to set yourself up for success!

Positive Inputs = Positive Outputs: Transform Your Journey by Starting with Yourself!

One of our biggest pitfalls on the journey with weight and health can be the way we perceive our situation and the work it takes to change it. Here are a few mindsets to be wary of and tips for turning those negative thoughts around:

  • “I Can Do This All by Myself” – Weight and health can be sensitive subjects to talk about, so it makes sense to want to rely solely on ourselves for reaching our weight-related goals. However, reaching out to others for support and counsel can keep you encouraged and on track. Instead, see what happens when you begin to accept and embrace the help and support of others who want to see you succeed!
  • “I Have to Get Everything Perfect” – It’s easy get sidelined by all of the factors that go into attaining improved weight and health. For some, this involves precise calorie count, calorie expenditure and measuring the number on the scale with great frequency. When you’re too invested in getting everything precise, it’s likely that you’ll lose focus on what really counts – making healthier, permanent changes that will impact your mind and body in the long run.
  • thumb-up“I’ll Probably Regain the Weight Back, So Why Try?” – Many people let the fear of the future determine what actions they take right now in the present. Don’t let this be you! YOU are the ultimate captain of your journey, and if you surround yourself with support, tools and resources, nothing and no one can stop you from achieving and maintaining your goals. For ideas on how to measure success beyond the scale, please CLICK HERE.
  • “This is Simply Too Hard” – While improving your weight and health can indeed be difficult, your perception of the decision has a big influence on your outcomes. Instead of thinking of hard work as a barrier to an ultimate goal, consider thinking of it as a challenge waiting to be conquered.
  • “Working Out is Boring and I Can’t Stay Focused” – For many, pushing through the exercise is challenging if they’re practicing monotonous workouts. However, you can fit in plenty of physical activity by varying up your routine! Have fun with exercise by practicing different activities such as hiking, sports, yoga, dancing and more!
  • “My Struggle is Embarrassing”- Feelings of self-consciousness or embarrassment can hinder our ability to eat in public, exercise in public or open up to others. While this is normal, you may want to consider thinking of your experiences as a “success story” in the making. This way, you’re building your self-esteem. For more tips on how to improve your self-esteem, please CLICK HERE.

No matter where you are on your journey, it’s important to recognize the power that your own thoughts have on your progress. If you’re working towards improved weight and health, go ahead and feel proud of your decision! Success will only follow.

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