Snack Attack: Making Snacks a Part of a Healthy Meal

Muffins Cupcakes Fruit Healthy Snacks Snack Attack

Did you know that about 91 percent of Americans snack daily? That means most of us are grabbing snacks – and we’re also grabbing them more often.

While some of us might associate snacks with pre-packaged foods like chips, crackers and granola bars, there are plenty of other healthy options you can include in your daily diet. One of the major problematic areas with snacks is the lack of planning, so the key thing to remember is to plan some room for snacks throughout the week.

Another key point to remember is the difference between having a snack and snacking. Continuously grazing and snacking is not the same as having a well-balanced and planned snack.

“One of the major problematic areas with snacks is the lack of planning,” says registered dietitian Lea Crosetti Andes, RD, CSSD. “When a snack goes unplanned, it can quickly turn into an unhealthy choice. Grabbing whatever is in sight to feed the intense hunger can lead many people to consume empty calories excessively. Planning snacks can help to assure that there is some nutritional value being consumed. “

The idea for a healthy snack needs to be balance, with having some type of carbohydrate for energy, protein or healthy fat for lasting satiety, and vegetables for fiber to help with filling power and a nutritional punch. Here are some sample snacks that you can plan into your day:

Healthy Snack Options to Add to Your Day

To learn more about snacking in a healthy way, please CLICK HERE to read, “Snack Attack!” from Your Weight Matters Magazine. For even more healthy recipes and snack ideas, please CLICK HERE to follow the Your Weight Matters Campaign on Pinterest!

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