6 Ways to Fit Exercise Into Your Busy Day at Work

Fitness at Work Exercise in the Office

Exercise is a great way to manage stress, build self-confidence and maintain your weight — along with dozens of other wonderful benefits. Finding time to fit exercise into your schedule can be difficult, since most adults spend 40 or more hours per week in the workplace.

While it may seem like you don’t have the time to exercise, there are some sneaky ways that you can incorporate fitness into your time at work! Here are some ideas:

1. Neck Stretch: Touch your ear to your shoulder (or as close as you can reach without hurting yourself) and hold the stretch for 20 seconds. Repeat on the other side for a balanced stretch.

2. Back Stretch: Hold your hips and gently bend backward to stretch your back muscles.

3. Desk Push-ups: Try to stand, arms straight, place your palms at your desk with fingers pointed toward you. Lower your body slowly and hold for 15 seconds.

4. Arm Strengthening: Casually lean on a wall with the forearm supporting your body. Lean until the upper arm almost touches it then push back out.

5.Magic Carpet Ride:” Sit with your legs crossed and your feet on the seat. Place your hands on the armrest and raise yourself a few inches above the seat using your belly, muscles, and hands. Hold for 10 to seconds and repeat five times in between a 30-second rest.

6. Leg Lifts: Sit and extend one leg straight and hold for two seconds then raise it up again.

Introducing these simple exercises into your day can help you get more activity in at work. Don’t forget the simple changes too, such as parking farther from the doors, taking the stairs instead of elevators, and trying to stand/walk as much as possible throughout the day. It’s important to keep moving throughout the day — for your health!

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