How to Get More Organized and Feel Less Overwhelmed

Getting more organized is an intention that many of us start the new year with. Life gets busy and sometimes, things turn into chaos. Late payments, forgotten school paperwork, missed appointments, kitchen clutter, and not enough time to get everything done can make you feel overwhelmed. When things seem to out of control, many of us want to throw in the towel.

This year, come up with a plan to get more organized and stay on track in all areas of your life.

How to Get More Organized

Develop a Routine 

There are certain things that must be done every day. Make these things part of your routine. For instance, take brushing your teeth. It’s part of your routine and you don’t even think about it. Find time to put your most important tasks and items on your schedule. Use calendar reminders at first. As these behaviors become more routine, you won’t need reminders because they will become part of your everyday life.

Here are some tasks you can turn into a routine:

  • Pay bills on Monday morning before your week starts.
  • Check your personal email on your lunch break at least three days/week so you don’t miss anything.
  • Schedule all appointments during your day off or on a remote work day.
  • Complete one load of laundry each evening so you don’t get behind.
  • Wake up 15 minutes earlier to do yoga.

Make Things Simple

Set a goal to make things as simple as possible. The more clutter that fills your schedule and routine, the harder it is to remember your goals and responsibilities.

  • Place all school papers and reminders in the same place.
  • Keep an email folder of all important personal contacts and documents.
  • Fill out a dry erase board or shared calendar app to let your family know what the weekly schedule is.
  • Keep a running supermarket list so everyone can pitch in and pick up what’s needed.

Consider Outsourcing 

You don’t have to do it all alone. There are certain conveniences that can make life a little easier and lessen the load you are bearing. Even though they can cost extra, the following services can help you stay on track when you’re busy.

  • Hire a cleaning service so you have time to complete other tasks.
  • Find someone who can drive your kids to practice or make a grocery store trip for you.
  • Hire a babysitter for a morning or afternoon so you can knock out personal errands.
  • Choose one meal per week from a meal delivery service. Give yourself a break mid-week.

Plan Ahead

Things always come up that aren’t part of your regular schedule. Plan for them so you aren’t left in a pinch and stressing out at the last minute.

  • Upcoming work event? Order a few new outfits online to try.
  • Develop a weekly menu on Sunday and get everything ready for the week ahead.
  • Keep a stash of gift items for birthdays and celebrations that come up.
  • Block out a few hours on the weekend to plan for an upcoming trip, work on your schedule or shop online for spring and summer clothes.

Organization looks different for each person. Put some thought into what habits will help you stay on track and make life easier.

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