What’s Your Fitness Personality? Discover What Works For You

Finding time for fitness can be difficult, but the benefits are clear. Exercise reduces your risk of heart disease, reduces stress, and helps with weight management, just to name a few. It’s also clear that daily physical activity is important. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate activity each week.

If we know how much exercise we need and why it’s important, why do so many people struggle with it? It might be that we don’t know where to start. Take a few minutes to determine your fitness personality and decide what plan or activity can work for you. Finding a long-term exercise solution can be your key to staying active and healthy. If you enjoy it, you just might find yourself coming back for more.

Discovering Your Fitness Personality

If you are a social butterfly:

Some people work well with others and thrive in social situations. If this is you, try to make your workouts more social. Invite a friend to go on a walk or meet a group to go to a fitness class together. Exercise may be much more enjoyable if you combine it with time spent with others.

If you like alone time:

After a busy day, some people crave alone time to collect their thoughts or enjoy an audio book. If this is you, plan to work out alone without any distraction from others. Time with your headphones in and in your own world may be a welcome break on a busy day. A walk alone, a solo gym session, or even a home workout can help you stay motivated.

If you need more structure:

Oftentimes, exercise is easier if you know exactly what to do. Taking the thought and planning out of the equation can make getting active a lot more manageable. Showing up to a workout class where you simply have to follow directions or work with a personal trainer may be easiest. This requires little to no effort to plan. The only requirement is to show up and follow directions.

If you are competitive:

Many people need a goal to keep them motivated and accountable, such as signing up for a race. Finishing a 5k race or meeting a specific time per mile can give you a measurable goal to work toward. Progress can be measured each race or each week for an everyday challenge.

If you are a homebody:

For some, it’s hard to get motivated to get out of the house to work out. If this is the case, build a plan that can work for you every day at home. Simple fitness items and accessories like dumbbells, jump ropes, or an exercise mat can help you get started. Find a variety of workout sessions online to guide you while working out from the comfort of your home.

If you get bored easily:

The same workout over and over again can get boring. Variety can be your key to success! For some, a gym membership with a variety of classes and equipment is helpful. Others find a mix of classes, walking, and home workouts to be the perfect mix. Find something that works for you.

No matter what fitness personality you have, you can find a plan that works for you. Take some time to experiment with what you like and what helps you stay on track.

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