How to Improve Your Comeback Rate and Reach Your Goals

How fast or slow is your personal comeback rate?

Nutrition expert Dawn Jackson Blatner, RDN, CSSD, LDN, refers to your comeback rate as how quickly you pop back up after a struggle, a screw-up, or any behavior that didn’t meet your expectation. She also says that it’s the number one factor in why successful people are successful and why unsuccessful people are unsuccessful.

Improving your comeback rate can help you be more resilient and have a better relationship with yourself through life’s challenges. Here’s how you can give it a boost.

2 Ways to a Faster Comeback Rate

Dawn Jackson Blatner frequently speaks at the Obesity Action Coalition’s (OAC) Your Weight Matters Convention, and the OAC produces the Your Weight Matters Campaign. At YWM2017, she gave a presentation in which she shared two ways to improve your comeback rate.

First, Forgive Yourself

Never underestimate the importance of self-compassion. People who practice self-compassion eat healthier, exercise more, sleep better, and stress less. Instead of letting guilt and shame take over your head and your emotions, choose to forgive yourself and move on. Don’t fixate on the past and focus on the future instead.

Second, Be Curious

To be curious is to move on from your situation without judgement or emotion. It’s to test out new things in hopes of finding something that works better in the future. Identify any triggers that caused you to slip up in the first place, then think about how you can avoid those traps in the future. If negative thoughts are holding you back, challenge them with statements you know to be true that support your goals. If external factors are getting in your way, look for ways to break unhelpful patterns and establish new ones.

What it All Means

In summary, having a fast come back rate means that when you screw up, you are quick to forgive yourself and seek out ways to improve. When you do those things, you feel better and more in control, thereby making you more motivated.

On the flip side, having a slow comeback rate means that when you screw up, you likely get fixated on the situation. You tend to judge, criticize and shame yourself, thereby making you feel bad and less motivated.

Remember… EVERYONE fails. It’s about how fast you pop back up and find ways to keep moving forward, despite any setbacks!

For more of Dawn’s tips on this topics, click here to view her 2017 Convention presentation in the OAC’s Digital Video Library.

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