6 Fitness Tips for Getting Active When You Have Limited Mobility

Your Weight Matters

Limited mobility can make getting enough exercise seem like a pipe dream, but there are many things you can do to make staying active a little bit easier.

One thing to note is that physical activity doesn’t have to be complicated or follow any kind of structured plan. You also don’t have to just do high-impact activities like jogging on a treadmill or a set of push-ups. Increasing your activity level can be as simple as doing something that gets your body moving.

If you struggle with limited mobility such as joint pain, chronic health conditions, or concerns with injuries or falls, consider the below tips for getting active on a regular basis and incorporating more movement into your day.

Tips for Getting Active with Limited Mobility

  • Start Slow and Do Something Every Day. No one is asking you to run a marathon. Start slow with maybe one exercise or workout each day, even if it’s only for five or 10 minutes. Do something small every day until you increase your fitness level and maybe even see an improvement in your mobility.
  • Walk around the House More: Even a few laps around the house can be effective if you are mostly sedentary. To shake things up, look for easy house work that needs tending to and you’ll kill two birds with one stone. For instance, vacuuming, dusting or sweeping.
  • Lift Light Weights. You can do a lot with a set of light weights anywhere from 1-5 pounds. Try lifting while you’re watching television or talking on the phone. To avoid injury or muscle strain, try to avoid exercising the same muscle group on consecutive days.
  • Take More Nature Walks. This is a great way to get physical activity, relieve stress and dedicate time to mindfulness. You can do a short walk in your neighborhood, at the park or on a local nature trail.
  • Try Water Aerobics. This is an excellent low-impact activity that is also fun and refreshing. Using your own pool or a local fitness center, water aerobics or light swimming can take pressure off your points and add resistance.
  • Stretch Daily. This is super important for not just physical activity, but also for overall wellness. You can use a wall or a chair for balance if you need it. Stretching may also help you enjoy more freedom of movement.

Final Thoughts

One of the best things you can do to get active with limited mobility is to take pressure off yourself and be content with making small changes when you’re able to. Try to think of physical activity in a holistic sense. It doesn’t always have to include a workout tape, time at the gym or waking up in the morning for a 6 a.m. jog. The most important thing is that you start slow, adapt as necessary, and make gradual improvements.

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