5 Ways to Bounce Back after a Setback with Your Weight

Struggling against a setback with your weight? Use these tips to bounce back

At some point in your journey with weight, maybe many, you’re bound to encounter a setback. Few goals we strive to meet ever come easy, and those related to your health are no exception. Even if you’re doing everything “perfectly” on the surface, the sea isn’t always smooth.

The key isn’t to aim for perfection because that’s not possible. Instead, prepare for setbacks and put the right tools in your toolbox to know how to tackle them.

5 Tips to Overcome a Weight-related Setback

First, Look at the Clock

This doesn’t mean you’re on a timeline for achieving your goals. Instead, if you’re facing a bump in the road, know that it’s temporary. Maybe you fell off the wagon, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get back on. Your goals aren’t going anywhere unless you make them.

Tell Someone about Your Challenges

This tip is all about accountability. Facing a challenge alone can be extremely isolating with no clear direction on where to go. By letting other people in, like a loved one or a health professional, you can find clarity in your experiences and encouragement to keep pushing.

Shake-up Your Approach

If you walk the same path over and over again, it’s bound to get a little worn. Get new results by trying a new approach. Have you struggled to meet your goal of going to the gym three times a week to stay active? Think outside the box. Exercise regularly by doing things you truly enjoy, like taking a run through the park or going swimming on a hot summer day.

Write Down Your Goals and Benchmarks

Sometimes it’s easier to get things done when they’re staring you in your face. Keep your goals at the forefront of your mind by writing them down and displaying them in a place you look to frequently. This could be your bathroom mirror, computer desktop, phone lock screen or your refrigerator door. Look here often to stay motivated and accountable.

Re-frame the Problem

When you hit a setback, don’t think of it as a failure you have to come to terms with. Think of it as an opportunity for growth that you’ll learn from in the future. Each setback will equip you with a new set of tools and experiences for the next one. It’s a learning experience, not a black hole.

One More Word of Wisdom

Finally, try to recognize that even if you meet your weight management goals, this is a journey you’ll take forever. You won’t stop trying to practice healthy behaviors or be the best version of yourself. There’s always opportunities for improvement. Keep this in mind the next time you hit a setback and remember that this is just one bump in a long and winding road. There’s more road to travel if you just keep moving forward, even if your pace is slow at times.


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