5 Exercise Activities You May Not Have Considered

Yoga Mat Exercise Activities Workout

Growing bored with your workout routine? Trying new exercise activities is not only a great way to stay active, but it can also give your brain a workout at the same time! If you’re look for some new exercises to try, here’s some activities you may not have considered:


Tai-Chi is an exercise that can help you improve your strength and flexibility, and at the same time give you a sense of peace. Characterized by slow, meditative movements, Tai-Chi is an ancient Chinese tradition that can be used to fight stress, help you feel more graceful and boost your confidence.




You’ve seen the competitive dance shows on television — now it’s your turn! Dancing is a simplistic but often overlooked physical activity that anyone can do, either in a class setting, at a social outing or even in the comfort of your own home! Memorizing steps to a routine can help boost your memory, and by getting up and moving to the beat, you’ll burn plenty of calories and have fun while doing it.




Kick off your shoes and get in the pool! Aquatic exercises can be a great way to get a good workout in, and no swimming is necessary!

“Water depth and the speed of movement also contribute to the amount of calories you’ll burn in a workout,” says Exercise Physiologist Mira Rasmussen, BS, ASCM EP-C, in an article from Your Weight Matters Magazine. “Most land exercises can be mimicked in the water, like chest presses, bicep curls and even floating crunches to strengthen your core.”




A fast-paced dance exercise fueled by Latin music, Zumba is an exercise activity that is sure to get your heart rate going and leave you feeling fit! It’s become quite popular in the U.S., with classes being taught all over the Nation, and the Zumba Web site has a database of courses taught by certified instructors that you can check out. This activity can be performed either at home or in a group fitness setting, and there are plenty of videos online to help understand the basics.




It may not seem like a work-out at first glance, but yoga is an activity that anyone can try to improve their flexibility, reduce stress and ultimately help them lose weight.

“Yoga is a powerful activity that connects mind, body and a sense of self to achieve endless health benefits, including maintaining weight-loss,” says Laurel Dierking, MEd, NFPT, 200-YTT, “The philosophy of yoga fosters a healing practice that brings peace and acceptance to the self no matter where you are in your life.”


Want to try these activities in a judgment-free environment surrounded by like-minded people? Attend the 5th Annual Your Weight Matters National Convention (YWM2016) in Washington, DC, on August 25-28, and you’ll get access to FREE exercise sessions led by seasoned exercise instructors who will show you the ropes! To learn more about YWM2016, CLICK HERE.

Register for the 5th Annual Your Weight Matters National Convention

Disclaimer: To develop an exercise program that best suits your needs, please consult with your physician. It is important to talk with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

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