5 Tips for Getting Started with Aerobic Activity

Aerobic fitness has a lot of great health benefits and can help you maintain your weight management goals. Aerobic exercise involves the use of oxygen transported to the working muscles during low intensity exercise, and it’s a great way to improve your overall quality of life and accomplish long-term weight management!

Exercise in general can help your health in so many amazing ways, such as reducing stress, building self-confidence, lowering your risk for many health conditions, and much more.

“The benefits of aerobic work can have a lasting impact on mental, physical and emotional health,” said health and fitness professional and yoga instructor Laurel Dierking, MEd, NFPT. “Lower stress levels, improved heart health, sustainable energy, decreased joint pain, improved muscle tone are all results of consistent exercise. Whether you are affected by obesity, or of a normal body weight, exercising gives YOU the access to a healthier, happier body, clearer mind and a greater self-confidence by giving your body the opportunity to function at its fullest potential.”

Here are some tips for getting started with aerobics:

  • Start stretching. Stretching regularly will help prepare your body for aerobic exercise and will reduce soreness from your new routine. Flexibility is an invaluable, and often neglected, piece of the collective exercise puzzle.
  • Set Goals. Ideally, you would work up to between 15 and 60 minutes of consistent aerobic exercise 3 to 5 times each week.
  • Choose an exercise. Start with low impact activities such as swimming, biking, Pilates, step aerobics or walking, to limit or reduce strain on your joints. Training with a partner is a great way to hold yourself accountable for your exercise.
  • Make progress. Once you have remained consistent with your routine for 4 to 6 weeks and you notice that the work is becoming easier, it will be time to progress and switch up your routine. For example, if you have been walking, try jogging for short intervals followed by a longer rest (walk) interval, until you can jog for the full desired time.
  • Ensure success. As your routine changes and you reach your goals, you are given an exciting opportunity to create new goals for yourself!

Disclaimer: Before beginning any exercise program, please discuss the program with your healthcare provider.

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